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Senator Linda Chesterfield (2011-2024)
Senator Ben Allen (1967-1990)
Senator R. D. “Denny” Altes (2003-2010)
Senator Jim Argue (1997-2008)
Senator Gilbert Baker (2021-2012)
Senator Bob Ballinger (2019-2022)
Senator Charles Beckham (2021-2022)
Senator Clarence E. Bell (1957-1992)
Senator Steve Bell (1991-1998)
Senator David Bisbee (1999-2008)
Senator Cecile Bledsoe (2009 – 2022)
Senator Jerry Bookout (1973-1996) (2003-2006)
Senator Paul Bookout (2006-2014)
Senator Jay Bradford (1983-2000)
Senator Doug Brandon (1983-1990)
Senator Will Bond (2017 – 2020)
Senator Dr. Fay Boozman (1995-1998)
Senator Shane Broadway (2003-2010)
Senator Irma Hunter Brown (2003-2008)
Senator John E. Brown (1995-2002)
Senator Clovis Bryant (1975-1982)
Senator Steve Bryles (2001-2010)
Senator David Burnett (2011-2016)
Senator Bud Canada (1973-2000)
Senator John Paul Capps (2003-2010)
Senator Claud Cash (2001-2002)
Senator Neely Cassady (1983-1996)
Senator Eddie Cheatham (2013-2020)
Senator Charlie Cole Chaffin (1984-1994)
Senator Linda Collins-Smith (2015-2018)
Senator John Cooper (2014 – 2020)
Senator Jack Critcher (1999-2008)
Senator Jack Crumbly (2007-2012)
Senator Wayne Dowd (1979-2000)
Senator Alvin Dwiggins (1981-1986)
Senator Lance Eads (2017-2021)
Senator Jean C. Edwards (1991-2000)
Senator Joyce Elliott (2009 – 2022)
Senator Mike Everett (1991-2002)
Senator Steve Faris (2001-2010
Senator Jake Files (2011-2018)
Senator Mike Fletcher (2011-2018)
Senator Joe Ford (1967-1982)
Senator Colby Fulfer (2022)
Senator Trent Garner (2017 – 2022)
Senator Morrell Gathright (1953-1982)
Senator Jack Gibson (1981-1992)
Senator Frank D. Glidewell (2018)
Senator Bobby L. Glover (2003-2010)
Senator Allen Gordon (1983-2000)
Senator Brenda Gullett (2001–2004)
Senator Bill Gwatney (1993-2002)
Senator Lu Hardin (1983-1996)
Senator Steve Harrelson (2011-2012)
Senator Morril H. Harriman, Jr. (1985-2000)
Senator Robert Harvey (1957-1978)
Senator Kim Hendren (1979-1982) (2003-2012)
Senator Jim Hendren ( 2013 – 2022)
Senator Olen Hendrix (1959-1982)
Senator Morris M. Henry (1971-1984)
Senator Steve Higginbothom (2003-2006)
Senator Jim Hill (1997-2006)
Senator Bruce Holland (2011-2014)
Senator Jim Holt (2003-2006)
Senator Cliff Hoofman (1983-2002)
Senator George Hopkins (1987-2000)
Senator Barbara Horn (2001-2010)
Senator Gary D. Hunter (1995-2002)
Senator Jeremy Hutchinson (2011-2018)
Senator Keith Ingram (2013 – 2022)
Senator W. K. Ingram (1963-1976)
Senator Gene Jeffress (2003-2012)
Senator Jimmy Jeffress (2001-2012)
Senator Jerry Jewell (1973-1974)
Senator Bob Johnson (2001-2010)
Senator David Johnson (2009-2015)
Senator Johnny Key (2009 – 2014)
Senator Michael Lamoureux (2009 – 2015)
Senator Randy Laverty (2003-2012)
Senator Uvalde Lindsey (2013-2018)
Senator Steve Luelf (1985-1994)
Senator James “Jim” Luker (2003-2012)
Senator Sue Madison (2003-2012)
Senator Jodie Mahony (1995-2002)
Senator Bruce Maloch (2013-2020)
Senator David Malone (1985-2002)
Senator Percy Malone (2001-2012)
Senator Travis Miles (1981-1994)
Senator Paul Gray Miller (2001-2010)
Senator W. D. “Bill” Moore, Jr. (1967 – 1994)
Senator Bobby Pierce (2013-2016)
Senator Mathew Pitsch (2019 – 2022)
Senator Bill Pritchard (2007-2012)
Senator W. E. Rainwater (1971-1982)
Senator Jason Rapert (2011 – 2022)
Senator Joe Ray (1973-1981)
Senator Gene Roebuck (1997-2000)
Senator Mary Ann Salmon (1999-2012)
Senator Bill Sample (2011-2022)
Senator David Sanders (2013-2018)
Senator James C. “Jim” Scott (1983-2002)
Senator Vada Sheid (1977-1984)
Senator Alvin Sims (2001-2002)
Senator Terry Smith (2001-2010)
Senator Vic Snyder (1991-1996)
Senator Greg Standridge (2015-2017)
Senator Tracy Steele (2003-2010)
Senator James Sturch (2019-2022)
Senator Jerry Taylor (2005-2012)
Senator Larry Teague (2009 – 2022)
Senator Robert F. Thompson (2007-2012)
Senator Mike Todd (1991-1998)
Senator Sharon Trusty (2000 – 2009)
Senator Bill Walker, Jr. (1995-2002)
Senator Bill H. Walmsley (1971-1982)
Senator Bill Walters (1983-2000)
Senator Gladys Watson (1989-1990)
Senator Doyle Webb (1995-2002)
Senator Ruth Whitaker (2001 – 2012)
Senator Nick Wilson (1971-2000)
Senator Henry “Hank” Wilkins, IV
Senator Ed Wilkinson (2001-2010)
Senator Eddie Joe Williams (2011-2018)
Senator J. A. “Dooley” Womack (1971-1982)
Senator Shawn Womack (2003-2008)
Senator Jon Woods (2013-2016)
Senator Tim Wooldridge (1999-2006)
Senator David Wyatt
Senator Joe Yates (1983-1994)
Republican Women’s Caucus to Present Agenda at Noon Thursday in Old Supreme Courtroom
23 Feb 2021
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Republican Women’s Caucus to Present Agenda at Noon Thursday in Old Supreme Courtroom